
BlenderCAM automates the creation of computerized numeric control (CNC) toolpaths by directly referencing 3D CAD geometry.

This blender add-on generates programming instructions that could be used to manufacture products, tools and artistic creations.

Active Features

☑ Milling strategies for 2D and 3D

☑ Cutter types: ball, ballcone, endmill flat, v-carve with various angles, user definable

☑ Work with 3d data or depth images

☑ Layers and skin for roughing

☑ Inverse milling

☑ Various options for ambient around model

☑ Protection of vertical surfaces

☑ Stay low – option for movement

☑ Material size setup

☑ Simulation of 3d operations

☑ Arc retract

☑ Pack curves and slice model

☑ Automatic bridges for cutout operation

☑ Chain export and simulation

Feature Requests and development needs

BlenderCAM has been used for many milling projects, and is actively developed.

If you are a developer who would like to help, fork and open pull requests

If you need help or want to discuss about BlenderCam you can join the Chat Room #BlenderCam:matrix.org on Matrix.

☐ Basic blender installation add-on with a zip file

☐ Windows installer

☐ Releases on github (zip file to download)