Several milling strategies
Profile, Pocket, Drill, Parallel, …
The main cutter types
Ballcone, End mill flat, V-carve, …
+ 10 post-processors
GRBL, LinuxCNC, Iso, …
BlenderCAM is a free open source project actively developed which combines several algorithms for gcode generation usable by CNC machines with the potential of the famous Blender 3D modeling software.
BlenderCAM allows you to exploit all the potential of your CNC router machine by offering you a multitude of operations useful for drawing, sculpture and manufacturing.
BlenderCAM has been used for many milling projects, and is actively developed.
If you are a developer who would like to help, fork and open pull requests
If you need help or want to discuss about BlenderCam you can join the chat on Element or Discord room.
Come join the adventure among the 30 blenderCAM contributors! !
758 contributions
313 contributions
202 contributions
137 contributions
118 contributions
86 contributions
425 stars
50 watching
114 forks
BlenderCAM users have also adopted these free software in their projects…